Thursday, November 10, 2005


Last night four of my very best friends came over to eat dinner with me. PawPaw was there along with Connie, Patti, and Dave. It was the first time PawPaw had the opportunity to meet and visit with the others. It was relaxing and enjoyable to be able to talk and laugh and gossip and tell jokes and catch up with what's been going on in each others' lives. Life can be difficult. Connie is on a leave of absence from her teaching job to care for her father who has cancer. She told me last night that the doctors have said her father only has a few months to live. She had to ask her brother to care for her father last night so she could be with us. Patti is struggling with life after Roger's unexpected death a few weeks ago along with the poor health of both her mother and stepfather. Dave told us about his three trips to Mississippi to help with cleanup after Hurricane Katrina. Connie, Dave and I share the same unfortunate experience of having gone through a marriage and subsequent divorce within the past three years. We didn't avoid talking about our troubles, but we didn't dwell on them either. It was a light-hearted and fun evening. There's nothing remarkable or newsworthy to report from the evening other than to thank God for good friends.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading this blog each day. Often I have no comment to make except - "oh, yeah, I can identify with that." or "AMEN." So I don't usually comment, but I DO always read your posts with interest. Keep up the good work.

Jane said...

Yes, friends are wonderful. I don't know what I would do without my good friends. You can tell them things that you can't tell anyone else...and they love you anyway. I am glad you had such a good time with yours.